Charity Wristbands for Fundraising
Charity Wristbands – Custom printed Silicone Wristbands
Put the fun into fundraising with our silicone wristbands! Commonly used by charities as a way of raising both funds and awareness at the same time, our Charity Wristbands are the ideal option for any fundraising. Choose to either print, deboss or deboss with colourfil your message onto the custom wristband before setting off to use them in every way imaginable to collect funds or spread the word for your chosen cause. Our design options for our custom fundraising wristbands are endless, you are able to panatone match the colour of the wristband and add your message. Silicone wristbands also come in both adult and child size offering an extra option. Highly durable and easily removed or exchanged, the wristbands have now turned into a ‘badge of honor’ among many people as they display their good causes on their wrists. Numerous charities offer silicone wristbands to volunteers and/or those who donate to the charity. Be sure to speak to us about our charity discount initiative that we offer to good causes. ![]() Charity WristbandsThe most common way that charitable organisations use silicone wristbands is by customizing them with a logo or text. They then use the Charity Wristbands either by selling them for a nominal fee at events or by giving them to volunteers to wear. The bands can be removed easily and then put back on making them very convenient. Another great positive aspect of charity bracelets is that they can be produced in any colour – and we are able to match these with the organisations colour scheme or logo. Silicone bands are also used by other organsiations such as schools and sports teams. See below details on which type of wristbands are best suited for use by charities.
![]() Silicone Wristbands for Charities
Score: 5/5
Summary: Silicone wristbands are the ideal band for Charities and other charitable causes. Activists often use rubber bands to raise funds and awareness about issues by either selling them at events or giving them out as gifts. Silicone wristbands can be removed and then reapplied as required which means they are often worn for months or years. Charities can add their personalised design and ensure that their message or cause is clearly shown on the band surface.
![]() Tyvek Wristbands for Charities
Score: 4/5
Summary: Tyvek Wristbands are used extensively by charities for certain events. These type of Wristbands are one time use products so are not ideal for long term use. However, for organising Charity events such as a Fun Run, Walkathon, etc then Tyvek wristbands could be an ideal solution. If the main aim of the Wristband is to generate awareness for a Charity or cause then many opt for Silicone Wristbands which are synonymous with fundraising.
![]() Fabric Wristbands for Charities
Score: 3/5
Summary: Fabric Wristbands are a good option for Charities. Due to their long lifespan they can be worn for a long period of time which is generally the aim for Charities looking to raise awareness. In an effort to make Fabric bands removable we can use a flexible metal or plastic bead closure which assists long term wearing. Fabric Wristbands have the flexibility of being a one size fits all product, meaning that both adults and children can wear them. This allows supporters of charities to wear the band as and when they please. Woven wristbands can also be cheaper than Rubber bands on certain quantities which is important for charities where every penny can make a difference.